
Monday, November 14, 2011

Dota 2 Logo Vector

Free Download Dota 2 logo vector, design by power dota 2. This is a very great logo. Do you know the meaning of this logo?
The logo is filled with red color. Maybe it is a symbol of courage, combat, defense and war. I made it using CorelDraw. You can download this file for free. I hope this file is very useful for you to make other artworks. I play this game every day. Spending time at the computer for several hours to fight and build items: D. .... I am very grateful to Ice Frog, for making this game.
File size: 26.73 KB
File type: CDR

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dota 2 Heroes And New Update

Besides Omniknight and Dragon Knight in Dota 2 update today we take another small step in the process of addressing the problem of players leaving the game repeatedly. For the first time, we will go further than just collect information and we will take action: those players who are identified as people who leave the game consistently, they will change their mating groups for a while. And as usual, we have included new things and fixed some bugs.

We would also like to welcome the new kids who have received the invitations yesterday to play Dota 2. If you have not been one of the lucky ones, you'll be glad to know we're going to send new invitations every few days.

Do not know what is Dota 2? We will explain it:
Dota 2 is a Action RTS currently in development by Valve as a sequel to the custom map Defense of the Ancients game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The title was officially announced on October 13, 2010.

Like the title Defence of the Ancients, Dota 2 combines the element of strategy in real-time projection of the traditional perspective, while incorporating the leveling system and detail of an RPG. Players assume the role of a unit classified as a "hero" that can be leveled up to a maximum of 25. The basic configuration of Dota 2 is based on two cities that each have strengths known as "ancestors" at opposite ends of a map evenly balanced connection with several regions identified as "lines", which pass through the enemy units they struggle against powerful defensive towers along the way.

The overall objective of each game, is the destruction of "ancestor" enemy, in order to get to defeat opponents. The towers and the ramparts of the fort are invulnerable to attack as long as TES farthest towers remain standing. Periodically, groups of infantry units weaker called two "creeps" are generated every certain amount of time. The creeps will move along the road until you reach an enemy unit or structure, which then automatically attack.

The defeat of the enemy forces distributed gives a lot of gold to the offensive team, with the majority held by the player (hero) who made the final blow. Though also wins gold, players gain experience, build up and to get higher levels. The greatest proportion of gold and experience comes from the destruction of higher priority forces as enemy heroes and towers.

Dota 2 will use Valve Software, Steam, to provide social and community functionality of the game. In Steam accounts are saved personal files and settings with the Steam Cloud. Dota 2 will feature free spectator camera. The host of the game has the option to fill the open spaces with AI bots. Another option allows the host to determine whether a bot AI (Artificial Intelligence) or a human player can fill the empty space in the case of a disconnection. Steam is introducing a training system to allow more experienced players to teach new players.

Dota 2 Item List With Names

Dota 2 Item List, full and complete. Here are many items dota 2 icon with the name. I made a post this picture, along with the old version. So you will know the name of the new item.
In DotA 2 not only the heroes were "re-designed" items were also significant changes compared to the original version, these are images (icons) official DotA 2 items published on the official forums that are housed Valve's servers. At the bottom of each item, you will also find images of the items of the first version, so you can identify and observe the changes in its design. 
This is the list of all the items we have in Dota2, I also put the items of Dota Classic to make a comparison between the two.

Dota 2 Item List All icons are taken from Valve's official website and PlayDota
What do you think of these new icons?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dota 2 Artworks - Logo Design

Dota 2 Artworks, shield logo design created by The meanings for shield logo could be related to power or control, security, strength, protection. safety, and defense. This design can be an inspiration. The logo features a shield elements or forms may be one of the logo trends of 2012. I made it using Coreldraw. On another occasion, maybe I'll give you a vector that can be downloaded.
Enjoy my arworks. How do you think about this logo design?

Dota 2 T Shirts Design

Dota 2 T Shirts Design. T Shirts Design by Bogis. You will be more stylish by wearing this shirt. Dota 2 logo in red. I am still looking for what the meaning of the logo.

I am very happy to play dota. This game really requires skill and intelligence, strategy and teamwork. I plan to make t shirts, and wanted me to wear this with my friends. Apparently it will feel crowded when playing dota 2 while wearing this t shirt design.
I am more comfortable wearing a black shirt. Therefore, I make a design with these colors.

Dota 2 Gamers Jacket 

DotA 2 Gamer's Jacket
DotA 2 players will love this jacket!! Made with high quality material and keeps you warm and allows you to enjoy your DotA game comfortabily.

>> BUY NOW !!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Valve Opens the Registration Process for DOTA 2 Beta

If you are one of the fans looking forward to the promising DOTA 2 Valve prepared along with the heads of the title you're in luck, since it just opened a new registration process to participate in the beta testing phase of the game. 

To do this, simply must upgrade to the latest version Steam, read a comic book consists of eight pages based on the universe of the game, and then answer a few simple questions in a questionnaire. 

If your profile is suitable, Valve will send you a password so you can access the beta, but in addition, also allow you to invite two friends to enjoy the experience of teamwork.

Dota 2 Heroes List Update

Dota 2 Heroes List Update. Check the list of all the heroes of DotA 2 that have been presented so far. These are the heroes that were presented at the The International League. The list does not contain all the heroes of DotA 2, but the company Valve, the game's already confirmed that when the game is released, all 105 heroes will be available. On another occasion I would complete detail hero. and to see more details. This page will be updated whenever a new hero is released.

- Force / Strength

- Agility
- Intelligence

- Force

- Agility

- Intelligence

Do you like the new designs of dota 2 heroes ?, What do you like best or that you completely disappointed ?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dota 2 Release Date Valve

Dota 2 Release Date Valve
Developer: Valve Corporation 
Language: English, Spanish, German, French, Russian and Chinese
Dota 2 : End 2011
Status: In Development. 
Size: unknown. 
Operating System: Windows and Mac 

Latest News: 
IMPORTANT DOTA 2 still in development, the public beta (OPEN BETA) has not yet been released. 

DotA 2 Review

- What is DotA 2? 
Briefly, DotA 2 is a game that is being developed by the video game company Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to "Defense of the Ancients" (DotA its acronym), the mod or custom map's most popular game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. 
The game is a combination of real-time strategy genre belonging to MOBA, similar to the games, "league of legends" and "Heroes of Newerth." DotA 2 gives you the option to choose and control one character (hero) of two teams (The Radiant or The dire), each with different abilities, and in turn supported by an "army" automatically controlled by the computer ( creeps). At first the hero starts with a low level, but as it eliminated enemies, this will increase their skill level and evolve its also the hero is getting resources (coin) to buy items & combine and become stronger during the course of the game . The ultimate goal is to destroy DotA 2 enemy unit called "Ancients" (Elder), located in the "base" of each team. 

- Where I can download DotA 2? 
DotA 2 is a game that is still in development. Currently only a small group of people (beta testers, Competitive Teams, etc.) have access to the game by invitation. The general public does not have access to the game, you can download, you can create accounts (register), you can play online massively. But in recent days has been leaked a client version of DotA beta 2, but can not play with that version, because in order to play you need a BETA key or invitation. 

- But I have seen pages that you can now download the game, "my friend" says he is playing DotA 2? 
As mentioned there is circulating a client version of DotA beta 2 non-playable, but there are hundreds of pages that are "taking advantage" of the misinformation of time to create fraudulent pages. You'll find hundreds of pages in all languages ​​"promising you" the game for free, you will see false guides and videos on YouTube of "how to download the game", you will see "supposedly installs the game" or generating applications "Beta Keys ", other pages will tell you that if you click on this link or banner (product placement) will give the game installers chain letters with fake pages telling you if you register they will send you" free "by emal a" Beta Key " at other times could be the game WarCraft III map "DotA 1", pages FaceBook really up telling you that if you click 10 times "like" will give you the game. 
Everything is false, absolutely everything is a hoax, all a lie. 

- But if it's a lie what these people earn by creating pages, manuals and videos fake?, Why waste your time doing that? 
It can be for many reasons, from simply tease or laugh at you, you make money by surreptitious advertising (you say you click on this link or banner), or worse yet, install viruses, ad-ware, Trojans or keyloggers to steal your passwords and access. 
And so we ask that you please avoid visiting those pages and download those files, remember to keep your antivirus up to date. 

'But I have seen videos on Youtube of people playing DotA 2!. 
These videos uploaded by Beta Testers or DotA 2: The International , a tournament organized by Valve (company developing DotA2) in order to show the public first "a breakthrough" game, was a closed event by invitation. 

- Ok, I get it, then when the game is going to DotA 2? 
There is no exact date, just know that the beta will be available in autumn this year. Autumn in the northern hemisphere covers the months of September, October and November. 

- What is a Beta of the game? 
Beta version of the game is that while it is "playable", is still unstable, we need to keep doing more tests to correct possible bugs. When you launch a game in beta version, do so with the aim of detecting and correcting errors detected or make improvements to the game, thanks to reports and tips that make people who are testing the game, these people are known as "beta tester". 

- What is the difference between "close beta" and "open beta"? 
Close Beta (closed beta), can only play a handful of people at the invitation (Beta Key). 
Open Beta (open beta) is when the game is open to the general public without an invitation. 

- How do I get an invitation or Beta Key? 
If you are interested in participating in DotA beta 2, you can register on the waiting list from the official website: , you can find more information and a manual on how to register here: Register and participate in the beta of DotA 2, also recommend you read about Steam (basic). 

- What is Steam? 
Steam is a gaming platform developed by Valve, through this system provides users with services such as digital sales of video games, updates, demos, online game servers and other services. For more information on the Steam platform, read: S team 

- DotA 2 will be free or paid? 
Is unknown. Valve does not mean if the game will be free or paid, I have asked dozens of times, but refuses to answer or simply begs the question. According to them, they are now focused on improving the game, make it more appealing to attract more players, and then think of how to do it profitably. When the beta version is released will be free, but when the beta is unknown if the game will be free (Free-to-play) or pay (payed-to-play). 

- And when the game would end (not beta) of DotA 2? 
According to recent statements by Valve , it would be in 2012, but not require exact date. 

- So, after checking on the interest list for the beta test is it only remains for me to wait?. 
Yes, it is.