
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dota 2 Guide for Beginners

Guide for newbies. The purpose of this guide is to explain the basics of Dota, designed for those who start in Dota 2, with no previous experience of Dota 1 or HoN. It is an advanced guide, I intend to serve as an introduction to the game without being a comprehensive guide, so many advanced concepts are very simplified or not mentioned. It is also recommended for those who come from LoL. 

Dota 2 Guide for Beginners
One important thing to keep in mind: Dota is a difficult game, with a huge difficulty curve. This means that it is difficult to start playing, and you'll never stop learning to play, even after thousands of games. You will need to use your head, be attentive to detail and memorize many details. 

But worth it, regardless of the level you have, is one of the funniest games in the world (even more if you play with friends), the variety of situations that occur is simply endless. 

Two teams (called Dire and Radiant) 5 players fighting each other. Each player takes control of a hero, the goal is to destroy the ancient enemy while defending himself. But not so simple, as the ancient is in the center of each base, and they have defensive towers. In addition, every 30 seconds, the foundation sent waves of creeps to attack the enemy base. 

Therefore, we proceed with our creeps, kill enemy heroes and creeps, destroying their towers and ultimately destroy its ancient. 

Gold and experience
We will need to get gold and experience, both for our hero will fulfill its role in the game much more efficiently. Experience will level up, which in turn will allow us to learn a skill or improve some have already learned. 

Our hero will gain experience every time an enemy creep dies near him, or even need to hurt to make it happen. However, if we also want to get gold, give the final blow (lasthit) to kill a creep. Of course, enemy heroes also give gold and experience, and although not directly kill the hero, if we have helped make gold also get assistance. 

The buildings also give gold, and in the case of the towers, each time one is destroyed, our team will get gold. 

There are a total of 104 heroes in Dota, but at the time of this writing there are 60 available in Dota 2. Each hero is unique, but all have features that allow us to classify them according to their function in the game. 

The heroes have three attributes: 

Strength - Increases the life and Regeneration. 
Agility - Increases attack speed and armor. 
Intelligence - Increases the mana and mana regeneration. 

All heroes have a primary attribute, which will increase your attack damage. The attributes will increase with each level up our hero, and using objects. 

Each hero has 4 skills: 3 basic and ultimate. Basic skills can be learned and improved at any level up to 4 times, and the ultimate can be learned / improved at levels 6, 11 and 16. We also have the option to upgrade the attributes instead of improving a skill. 

Each hero is different, and the best thing is to learn to use them to look guides. In playdota is a very complete guides section. 

Some heroes advisable to start its simplicity: 
Lich, Sven, Skeleton King, Vengeful Spirit, Tidehunter, Warlock, Crystal Maiden, Riki 

Some heroes are not recommended to start with, due to their complexity: 
Chen, Invoker, Geomancer, Shadow Fiend. 

During the game there are three phases: Early game, Mid game and late game. 

Early game 
This is the first phase of the game, the heroes are divided among the different lanes (2 top, 2 bot and 1 half) and focus on getting money and experience creeps. 

Mid game 
This phase begins at the moment the stop heroes kept in a line. It usually happens after level 6, when you learn the ultimates. They start the ganks (a gank is killing an enemy exploiting an advantage, such as numerical superiority), and pushes (a push is to move to a tower with creeps to destroy it). 

Late game 
From around level 15, when the game takes about 30 minutes late game is called. The heroes are stronger and have already completed several objects. Any fight can mean winning or losing the game, so it is important to stay together and not be in a bad position catch. 


It is important to note that heroes can play several roles within a game, and not have to be the same on different items, as there are many heroes that can be played in different ways. Usually a team should have at least one support, one ganker and carry, but there are thousands of combinations effective, and always raw level players on the heroes. Although obviously a team with 4 Carries have to lose against one balanced. 

These are the main roles: 

Carry or Hardcarry 
Heroes are dependent objects to hurt and have a presence in the game. You will spend most of the early and mid game farming back, ie killing creeps as much as possible to get gold and experience. In late game is where you shine and are more effective. 
Examples: Antimage, Spectre, Weaver, Riki, Drow, Skeleton King, Doom Bringer. 

Semicarry or softcarry 
Heroes that scale well to lategame through objects, but are not as strong as hardcarries. However, possessing skills that allow them to be present in early / mid and be more helpful to the team. 
Examples: Mirana, Sven, Shadow Fiend, Windrunner, Bloodseeker, Razor. 


Heroes with ability to kill other heroes quickly in early / mid game, either by nukes (skills that make a lot of damage) or disables (stuns, silences, slows, etc.). Usually depend on some item to keep gankeando constantly, using all her skills, or gain mobility. 
Examples: Clockwerk, Lion, Sand King, Earthshaker, Tiny, Bloodseeker, Pudge. 


Those heroes who generally do not depend on items to do damage with their skills and / or have support skills as cures, armor, auras, etc. They are responsible for controlling the map with wards (items that give insight in specific areas for a few minutes). 
Examples: Crystal Maiden, Dazzle, Lich, Warlock, Ancient Apparition, Lion, Omniknight. 

Heroes that initiate battles by disables skills and / or damage in the area. Often need some help to go into battle without being seen (blink dagger), and aims to cause chaos to force an advantage for his team. 
Examples: Sand King, Tidehunter, Enigma, Axe, Sladar, Shadow Fiend 

Heroes are able to advance and efficiently destroy towers, units generally can invoke extra waves of creeps kill quickly or do extra damage to towers. 
Examples: Nature's Prophet, Chen, Enchantress, Enigma, Broodmother, Venomancer, Shadow Shaman. 

Heroes with ability to keep farming back in jungle from level 1. 
Examples: Enigma, Axe, Dark seer, Chen, Nature's Prophet. 


On the map you can see three paths or lanes. The creeps will advance from each of these paths, and along them are defensive towers (marked with circles). The ancients are represented by an X, and shops with a square. 

According to its position the lanes are called: 
Top (top), mid or Middle (middle), and bot or bottom (bottom). 
Also, if we Radiant (the team left below), can be called safe lane to lane or bot long and short lane to lane or hard top, or vice versa if we Dire. Generally the lane in which it is our jungle be easier to control, and therefore safer. Dota 2 Guide for Beginners


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